
Iedereen Beroemd - The American Dream 08/29/2020 - 06/30/2021

Belgian Televison Show

You can watch how I am going after my "American Dream" on The Belgian National Television channel : Een , every Monday and Thursday on the show "Iedereen Beroemd".

Watch the Youtube Playlist : here.

"" Belgian Newspaper  - 08/29/2020

"Het Laatste Nieuws" Belgian Newspaper - 08/29/2020

"" Belgian Newspaper  - 03/15/2020

Naar Amerika uitgeweken kunstenares maakt controversieel 'Don't Panic'-mondmasker

"Winter Happenings" - Museum Brochure and mailing letter; 2019

San Jose Museum of Quilts and Textiles

"Gallery Guide October 2019 - January 2020"

San Jose Museum of Quilts and Textiles

"Gothesque" Magazine  - October Issue


" Voyage " Phoenix, online article, 2019

"Rondom" Belgian magazine, 2018